Bump Update – 14 weeks with Baby #2



Sleep: as good as can be expected with a toddler; we’re feeling super grateful that Hennie sleeps so well (thank you, sleep training!) and just need to work on getting to bed earlier. A constant struggle when the evening is your only time to get stuff done!

Movement: not much movement from this itty bitty baby belly yet, but I expect and hope to feel something soon! That was my favourite part of pregnancy last time so I’m really looking forward to it. 

Enjoying: having a silly, funny, sassy, smart toddler to hang with during the day! She can sure be a handful but now that I have some of that Second Trimester energy back I don’t mind running after this little bugaloo all day long. 

Craving: I don’t think I have a lot of cravings in pregnancy. After the CarbFest of the first trimester I’ve been enjoying fruit smoothies and healthier dinners lately. 

Nesting: lots of home improvements being made lately but I suspect it has more to do with home ownership than pregnancy symptoms! We are in the middle of an ongoing kitchen renovation that is “on a break” for a few weeks in February while we wait for our new cabinets. In the meantime I’ve been painting our bedroom – it was baby blue with lots of big marks and dents when we got possession of our condo but I prefer a nice crisp white. Our room is cleaner, less cluttered, and more of the “sanctuary” space that I always like my bedrooms to be. 

How I’m Feeling: excited about the prospect of having another baby but super content with it’s arrival still being six months away. During my first pregnancy I always wanted to rush things along at top speed so I could become a mom; this time I know the chaos that newborns bring so I’m revelling in the time with my daughter (and the sleep!) we’re enjoying and not wishing the months away. That’s a lie, I wish it was Spring, the dark and dreary winter months have been a tough slog this year 😉