Bump Update

How Far Along: 17 weeks! 


Sleep: sleeping well and feeling really great lately (despite the unimpressed face displayed above, when I was 17/40 markers up the moutainside and not happy about the ascent).

Movement: starting to feel her movin’ around in there, but only at night, after I eat, if I keep very still…

Appreciating: that my mom, hubby, and sis in law Hannah all waited for me while I took it slow going up the Grouse Grind this week! I felt very heavy and sluggish, but we made it together! 

Craving: all of the things I can’t have – soft cheese, rare steak, and a cold beer! 

Nesting: no time for the nesting instinct to kick in, we’ve got a reception to pull off and in-laws in town to spend time with! 

Looking Forward To: spending a long weekend in our rental mansion in West Van with Tom’s family – sleeping in, drinking coffee, and swimming in the pool! 

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